The Historic Marbold Farmstead Association is deeply dedicated to rescuing its historically significant link to the past from becoming yet another example of disappearing rural culture. Our utmost priority is to acknowledge and learn from those that laid the foundation for Central Illinois' agricultural roots. In other words, the families who settled in Greenview, of which the Marbolds were just one, were meaningful. Saving a surviving symbol of their lives can only enrich ours. In the spirit of mimicking our heritage's foundation, the bricks serve to shore up the Farmstead's continued success.
Contributing a brick for the walkway can signify one of two things. Some wish to memorialize a loved one, while others prefer to demonstrate their own personal commitment to the cause of preserving a rare and invaluable portal to the past. Whatever the reason for adding your brick to the others, doing so provides a lasting token of your appreciation for those who came before us so that future generations can benefit from the Farmstead's virtues. Bricks come in two different sizes 4" x 8" or 8" x 8". Learn how to leave your tribute on the front lawn of a designated Illinois landmark. Click here. Thank you for your support.