We appreciate each and every one of our volunteers. It takes a lot of hands on deck to make our events happen as well as continually maintain the Farmstead. Most of the tasks that need to be done don't require any special talent or skill. Just jump in with a willing attitude and we'll happily plug you in to a place where you can be of service.
Volunteers help out with:
Workdays at the site, typically the first Saturday each month, beginning in April
Our Website, Facebook, Newsletter
Extra hands before, during, and after events (parking, set-up, tear down, manning booths, etc.)
Grounds maintenance
And much more...
Anyone wishing to help by donating your time, contact President Charlotte Wohler at 217-341-8293 or [email protected]. Or reach out to any of the HMFA team members: Contact Us
If you would like to be recognized here for volunteering at the Farmstead, send your name and a short description of your efforts to Charlotte Wohler at the contact info above.
Our thanks to anyone who has helped us with past events! We appreciate you!