The Historic Marbold Farmstead Association (HMFA) is an Illinois Not-For-Profit Corporation. While Articles of Incorporation and By-Laws set forth the specific legal description of goals, HMFA is primarily organized to preserve and promote interest in the history of central Illinois agriculture. The Association acquired the Marbold Farmstead property in 2012 and plans to restore and demonstrate the operation of vintage agricultural farmsteads, structures and equipment, as well as to sponsor related educational programs.
HMFA has been approved as a 501(c)(3) organization under the Internal Revenue Code; accordingly, donations are tax-deductible by the donor.
The primary activities to date have been to sponsor educational programs which demonstrate the agricultural practices that were followed at the Marbold Farmstead located in Greenview, Illinois. See “Events” for a summary of past and future activities.
Since HMFA acquired the property in 2012 we have begun the process of restoring the Main house and attached buildings, stabilized and restored other out buildings on the property, cleaned up the grounds, replanted trees, and much more. The Association has plans for more restoration work as funds allow.